Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Ten Second Dream That Came True

As I endeavor to head to New Mexico then to this year's Route 66 Festival in Amarillo, it is time to look back at one of the things that peaked my interest in 66, the classic 1957 Chevy Bel Air.

Over a year ago, I decided to watch some college football at Buffalo Wild Wings in Pearland, just south of Houston. After about an hour, I met a couple who drove back home from nearby Stillwater, Oklahoma. Shortly after, we began talking. The conversation ranged from our travel experiences to classic automobiles. I told them that I haled from New York and moved to Texas a few years earlier. As we spoke about Hank Williams' "Lost Highway" and my dream car, the 57' Chevy Bel-Air, I can tell the gentleman was seeing himself in me, at least in terms of music tastes. He then asked me something I will never forget. "Would you like to sit in my 56' Chevy Bel-Air?" Granted it wasnt a 57' but who cares. As we walked out, my heart raced and eyes widened as I saw his periwinkle (I think, do not quote me I am color blind) blue beautiful Chevy. This was the moment I have dreamt of all my life. Albeit, I was not driving down 66 past Tucumcari. Nevertheless, I thought "I can do more than just drool and stare." As I opened up the door, I signed, even stopped breathing for a moment. After I sat down, I caught my composure. I felt very comfortable and being behind the wheel felt natural. Ten seconds later, I got up said "thank you sir" and walked away. My dream came true.

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