Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Almost a Road to Perdition: Houston, I Had a Problem

I woke up an hour earlier than normal this morning because I needed to pick up a 1936 map of Brazoria County, south and southeast of Houston. I am doing an article on one of the main arteries in Pearland, Texas. The morning rise was better than normal as I was not so cranky. In addition, I put on the tv and I Love Lucy was on, so my mind became focused. Got dressed and went on my way.

Traffic was light on TX 288,my normal route to work. As I got onto Interstate 45 , traffic was tolerable and even more surprisingly, the trip off I-10 was flowing. I got to the vacinity at 6:54 , six minutes before the TX Dept. of Transportation (DOT) opened. Things looked real crisp until... I went to the building that dealt solely with registration and license renewals. After I realized my error, I first went left to ask a gentleman in front of a Bud Light plant where 7615 (#number of the building I needed) was. He did not know so I went back towards the light, went right and found myself back on I-10 in the lane heading north on I-610, Houston's major loop. When I get lost, my instincts tell me to get off at the first exit and attempt to get back. Well, the first part was performed admirably. However, as I saw the sign for 610 South, which was located literally under the highway, I missed it and went west. I turned north at N. Post Oak Road and then went back East in hopes that I find a miracle. I went down the road and not only did I turn onto Hempstead , which is a major traffic corridor, but I found myself back at the Bud Light plant. Life was looking serendipitous. I found my destination and took care of business.

The adventure was coming to work. Don't you hate leaving parking lot exits that point you in one direction, the one going the OTHER way? Well, that is where I found myself. I got lost once again. This time I decided to let God take control of the wheel before I find a ravine and let Thelma and Louise know that I am coming. After ten minutes of living "dazed and confused" I found the Bud Light plant again. Two 360 turns in one hour! At which point, I found I-10 and made it through the traffic jungle, aka the Houston Morning Derby and got to work.

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